Feb 26, 2016


So we all have albums that contrast one another. Some days you feel like relaxing with something quietly massaging you in the background, and other days there simply isn't a stereo loud enough to fuel your mood. These are all very important albums to my musical vocabulary for extremely different reasons.

 Stars of the Lid 
This is the most listened to band for me at the time. I can't pick a favorite album of theirs because they're all so beautiful. I usually only listen to these guys when I'm painting, going on hikes, or going to sleep. Work has been sucking way more shit than usual lately, so these guys are on on the regular to keep my head from splitting in two. 


Skinny Puppy 
For entirely different reasons, Skinny Puppy also removes me from every aspect reality entirely. However, it does not take me to a sane, relaxing place like Stars of the Lid does. Too Dark Park is one of the most important albums to me personally. The first time I tripped by myself, this album was my best friend. I can't really explain it any better way than that. The chaotic textures and layers with the movie samples swirling around the song were perfect while I temporarily lost my mind. 
