Mar 1, 2016


Everyone gets stressed to the point that they want to blow their brains. Whatever your stressed from and however deep it runs, sometimes it feels like you will never decompress. Work and life has been annoying as shit lately and these albums have been taking the edge off a bit.

Breach- Venom
Regardless of the volume you play it at, this album always sounds like it's going to fracture your ribs. If I get sucked into heavier bands, or metal bands they tend to either be technical or have some type of darkness to them. These guys are a great mix between those two qualities. This album sounds like the second they finished playing these songs, they either went on a killing spree or all put a hole in their own heads.

Al Green - Greatest Hits
For completely different reasons, this album also eases the pain of dealing with patient phone calls all day. It makes things seem so much simpler. 
