Jun 19, 2017

Novak's Most Recents

Well I guess we're all posting what we're listening today, so here are my recent listens: 

Skinny Puppy- Too Dark Park
   I just recently had a long drive to Hocking Hills last weekend and I listened to this album twice through. It's an old favorite. This era of the band was my favorite. With sound clips from some of my favorite horror movies all swirling around chaotic bed of music, it's easily one of my favorite albums. 
 David Torn- Tripping Over God
David Torn has always been the perfect blend of spiritual type, meditative drones with some really great guitar work and song writing. This album quite honestly though does not sound finished, which is the main appeal to me. It's an easy listen in my opinion, but I can hear producers across the board telling him to add drums or vocals over a lot of these recordings. A great starting point to anyone unaware of this maniac. 
Brian Eno- Music for Airports 
This was the first ambient album. It acts as a great palette cleanser for cluttered minds. Anytime I think I need a therapist (which has been the case for a little bit now) I toss this on and it makes everything slow down a bit. It's funny because the name of the album was meant to do just that, de-stress anxious passengers shuffling about in airports. This would definitely make the list of top 10 albums I wish the entire world sat down and listened to from start to finish.
