Jul 14, 2014

Local Heroes: He-Chaw Frunk

He-Chaw Frunk
 When I first had the idea for this "local heroes" section, I thought I'd stay away from close friends because it just seems like I'm kissing asses, but these guys are the real fucking deal so I just can't help myself. One of my first real interactions with these guys was a few years back when I recorded their first full length. They were punctual, hard working, whiskey chugging rock n' rollers. 

Each member brings his own character to make this band have it's own unique textures to it. You've got Matt laying down a rock solid bass foundation complimented perfectly by Ryan's drumming, Sasha's smooth leads blending in with Chris's spooky guitar tones, and sprinkle a shit ton of Chris's beefy vocals and you've got yourself a He-Chaw cocktail. Be careful you don't order too many though. They usually order them without the tail and you'll walk funny for a few days. 

This video captures the He-Chaw live experience perfectly. Everyone is always having a blast, the music is always loud, and the music is always loud. If you go to a He-Chaw show and you don't have a good time, you're an asshole. I was a fan of them with their first drummer, loved every drunken minute of playing with them myself, and enjoy them with their newest drummer Ryan! Keep up the bad assness guys!
