Jul 11, 2014

Emma Ruth Rundle

Emma Ruth Rundle

Story time dorks. 

The other day I went to see King Buzzo at the Grog shop. I went alone and stood around awkwardly like Steven Glansberg. I had no idea who was opening or what to really expect except that my drinks would make me drunk. I had seen this gorgeous, mysterious looking girl floating around the show by herself. I'm not like most of you humans when I see other attractive humans, but I noticed an extremely vivid aura to her and I was curious to see what kind of cool shit she was doing at the show. Maybe a photographer? Either way, Bolles had nudged me 100 times in Words with Friends, so I played a word while waiting for the opener. 

Then she confidently and quietly walked on the dimly lit stage, with the house music still playing. There was no sound check. No douchebag singer who takes twenty minutes to get his monitors sounding just right. She just started. Within three seconds, I was in love. I could feel my phone buzzing from the people I was texting before the music started, and I didn't even care. 

I was immediately sucked into this girl's head when she was playing. I was picked up by a spaceship and taken away from the mouth breathers around me and sent to this isolated, dark world that I live in myself. I can get weird all I want when it's just me at my studio at 3am, but not only getting into that mindset myself in front of a crowd, let alone having the power to take them to that place with you? Fuck yeah. She wasn't winking at anyone in the audience, she wasn't flaunting  her tits, she was playing hypnotic amazing music for my hearing holes. There was just enough delay that it wasn't a boring, dry signal but it was still easy to make out the song structures and melodies. 

After she was done, I was instantly reminded that I was in a public place because all everyone was talking about is how hot she was. Are you that boring of a person that all you got out of that performance was how "hot" she is? Then King Buzzo played, which was of course amazing. I'm going to make a separate entry for that because simply saying it was amazing isn't enough. 

After Buzz played, I met up with my friend Liam who I hadn't seen in a few years. I was going on and on about how awesome Emma was as we stood off to the side by the merch tables. I was fucking hammered at this point. As I'm going on about how great it was, Emma walked over to grab something of hers and I froze up and started talking about tacos because I am a dummy. I love to tell musicians they did a great set in more creative ways than "good show dude" because I know that life on the road can be a challenge both physically and mentally. Maybe that band or musician is about to quit doing music and go back to being a lawyer or something lame, and a sincere compliment can inspire the person who just inspired you! How cool is that to do? Yeah, well I didn't do that. I just wrote this blog entry. 

Do what I did and buy her shit! Take $25 out of the taco fund and use it for something awesome! Or just glue a duck to your face you freak. 
