Jun 2, 2014

Local Heroes: Pete Burger

So I've made all kind of posts in here before about bands I both love and fucking despise, yet I haven't posted that many things about local bands or musicians. Music saved my fucking life and ever since I have aimed to help inspire others with my own music or help them create their own. Every week I'm going to post one of my local heroes. People who have inspired me and who I think could inspire you.

Pete Burger
Pete may be one of the youngest musicians I know, but don't let his age fool you. He's more driven and talented than half the bums I've played music with. I had the luxury of recording this dudes band several months ago, and he kept order in a slightly flustered group. Recording is hard for any band of any age, but Pete and those guys had it down pat. I know he's been struggling to find a steady band, but I know that with his drive and talent, it won't be long until he's in something cooler than you!  
Keep an eye and ear out for this dude! 