Jul 12, 2013

P.L.F.- "Devious Persecution and Wholesale Slaughter" (Six Weeks, 2013)

Pulverizing Lethal Force (P.L.F.) is a Texas based outfit made up of members of the infamous Insect Warfare. Although keeping their grindcore roots intact, P.L.F are certainly more inclusive than their predecessor and, quite frankly, more interesting in many ways as well. The band includes a noticeable thrash and speed metal influence with riffs reminiscent of Scott Hull's work in Pig Destroyer played with precision over a plethora of blasts and double-barrel drum beats. Imagine Harmony Corruption style Napalm Death mixed with Testament played on a higher rpm than intended and you have a generally solid idea of what's to be expected here. P.L.F. should be around for a while and if they keep releasing quality material like this it will be a real treat.

8 /10

- Joe