Jul 12, 2013

A Great Local Gem

I don't always write about local bands, but when I do, I prefer to write about the ones who truly blow me away. It isn't often that you hear a band that is doing something so unique that you can't quite articulate how to describe it because the point of reference is so disguised or, destroyed altogether. He-Chaw Frunk is a band from Lakewood, OH that I first became acquainted with last year at a shitty little bar on the East Side of Cleveland, OH that my friends in Lucy were playing at. I don't remember that venue's name, who else played (other than Lucy), or how much I had to drink that night, but I do remember not moving an inch as He-Chaw belted out thirty minutes of no nonsense rock. Rock, that word that so many don't use anymore that almost carries no weight, at least not the same weight it once did in the glory days of yesteryear. I know I heard blues, I think I heard some country, I'm pretty sure I heard some metal, and I'm certain I heard lyrics about killing an ex-girlfriend. Whatever I heard, I had never heard it before and it was more than a pleasant surprise. This music is played with talent, conviction, integrity, and more creativity than any band in Cleveland. That is a quote, and one you can take to the fucking bank. He-Chaw Frunk have just finished recording a new album at Obese Studios produced by my friend, co-conspirator for this shitty blog, and current drummer Matt Novak that is beyond impressive and hauntingly profound. I not only suggest everyone in the local area to pick this up and see this band live, I am outright demanding it. Classic Rock n' Roll something or other from the ugliest part of the country, figure it out for yourself.

- Joe