Jun 20, 2013

Overrated Bands/Albums

I feel like this post is going to take up a lot of time. I only have a handful of bands that come to mind, but I'm sure I'll end up going off a little more than planned. These are bands or albums I've heard people rave about for years and flat out NEVER understood why. This does NOT mean they weren't influential to other bands, just overrated. Where to begin? I can't say these will be in any real order after the first handful.. 

I was just talking to Woods tonight about these dorks. Why did anyone ever buy their records? I get that it was "edgy" back in the 70's, but I was born in the 80's. There isn't anything "edgy" or dangerous about a bunch of 70 year old men in clown makeup singing songs they wrote three decades ago. I also can't think of anyone who deserves the money and fame any less than Gene Simmons. Personality aside, the music was garbage. Anyone who says "yeah man, but their first records were awesome. Check em out" - Go fuck yourself. This sack of shit band did not pioneer, lead, or invent anything.

Now I actually do like a few of these records. Let's be honest though, who can REALLY tell any of their albums apart? With the obvious lead singer changes early on being the only true sound change. They should've made ONE record with 100 songs and saved themselves the embarrassment of putting out the same album 40 times. I've had many conversations with respected musicians who fight left and right to defend this band. "Hey man, stick with what works. That's their sound and they're not changing it!" I can agree with stick with what works, and I'm all for a band who has their own sound.. but if 40 fucking years into your career you're still making records that sound EXACTLY like your first few albums.. STOP! A decent band, but extremely overrated. 

I know, I know. I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this one, but come on guys, just think about it. I can absolutely not go without a very FEW Rolling Stones records, but this band over stayed their welcome years and years and years ago. If I wrote 2 albums a year, every year for decades I'd be bound to have a few songs stick too. I hate to say it, but that's how I feel about the Stones. Oddly enough, I truly consider the Stones to be ONE of the greatest rock n' roll band of the world, but overall an overrated band in general. If they wanted to be THE greatest rock n' roll bands, they would've quit decades ago.

I never cared for Bob Dylan. Now before anyone tries getting too defensive on me not liking his voice because it's not perfect.. suck it. There are plenty of singers I love for having unique sounding pipes, but Mr. Dylan is not one of them. Great lyrics? I guess. Maybe if my dad didn't have these albums on so often I'd appreciate them more, but I highly doubt it. Mediocre music at best.

This should actually be my number one. I fucking HATE Black Sabbath and anything Ozzy has ever been a part of. He didn't write his own lyrics, which were mediocre at best, and Sabbath was always cheesy and corny as hell to me. Now I know this band DID in fact influence many bands after.. but I still consider them to be overrated. I don't have anything else to say about this band. Overrated and untalented. 

Why is Jay-Z famous again? Now I may not be the best judge of "character" here considering I don't listen to any rap what so ever, but Jay-Z is one of those celebrities I see and instantly get pissed off about. His music is bland, repetitive, and corny as hell. I understand the difference between a decent album and a "legend" and I never understood why this guy was put into legend. 

Sucks. ONE song I like by these guys is "Zoostation" for the lyrics. Other than that the music was shit with far too many effects. I lost any remaining respect for these dorks when I saw "It Might Get Loud" and "The Edge" explained how under all the layers of effects that he really isn't playing much at all. What? That's like telling your girlfriend after amazing sex that it wasn't really your cock, but a strap on. Your girlfriend isn't going to find your sex too pleasing after that, if she ever did at all. Well that's kind of like how it was for me with U2. 

Yeah I know, you love this band. I did at one point, too. They have a few classic albums that will forever remind me of my childhood, but this is just a younger version of Kiss. Jerry Only is a super nice guy and all, but hang up the fuckin hat man. All of their 50 lineup changes and tours? They're living in their own shadows. Time was up a few albums before Graves joined mid 90's and it's certainly up now in 2013! 

Never liked these guys and never, ever understood how anyone else did. Their music had energy, sure, but so does a 10 year old boy after a pack of candy and a trip to Chuck E Cheese's.. both of these usually leads to vomiting. It wasn't until I met a lot of Wood's friends (who are now my friends too of course) when I thought the only people who REALLY listened to Metallica were drunken red necks and Beavis and Butthead. I will go as far as say they did pave the way for about 10,000 bands to follow, but I can't stress enough how much I dislike this band. 

Eh, that's all for now. I'm starting work now on the most UNDER rated bands. That should be a little less negative.
