Despite their faces in the photo above, these are two of the most hard working, creative, and inspiring musicians ever.. in my opinion of course. Dale Crover and Buzz Osbourne. It's really not THAT amazing that these guys write and tour more consistently than Courtney Love checks into rehab, it's amazing that more bands and musicians aren't as consistent and hard working as them. I mean, why not be? If you're "so into music" like you want all your friends to think, why aren't you.. into music more? Why is that so many rock stars and even local musicians are so fucking lame? Why do musicians talk themselves and their music up so much and then never return your phone calls to write the music they blab about in emails or texts? Why do bands even bother scheduling shows they plan to drop off of? Why did you spend millions on a tour you can't even stay awake on stage for?
Most of the time it's drugs or alcohol. Sometimes it's other "priorities" which usually means getting super high and watching tv. If your day job, girlfriend, or drug habits outweigh your time for music.. don't start up a band because you're not a fucking musician!! Musicians don't give a shit about going into work tired. They don't care that they're eating soup for dinner and driving a car that costs less than the shoes on their feet. They certainly don't answer to anyone who doesn't support their creativeness 100%.
Currently on a recording breaking US tour (well, they're not done yet) the Melvins have continued to do what musicians set out to do.. make music! Who would've thought that that was anything to earn a trophy over? Well, they're not just touring for a few months with days in between to relax or get a milkshake, they're doing 51 shows in 51 days. Sound exhausting? Well, maybe. If you plan to get wasted before and after the show, yeah.. good luck making it through 2 weeks like that.
Playing music isn't hard. Writing the music you want can be, but playing it isn't hard. Making a living off of it? Hard fucking work, yes. BUT! Consistency is the only way you'll make it anywhere past the shitty bars and or 15 minutes of fame from a record label.
Now granted the Melvins aren't the only band with musicians who actively give a shit, and not every local musician is an idiot. Maybe one day I'll post all the hardest working favorite musicians of mine...
Proud of your band? Want to show off your talents? Hate working at your 9-5 and getting yelled at by your boss? So the fuck am I. So the fuck is everyone who writes in this blog. We'll be stuck there forever until we do something about the talents you have. It's easy to bitch about who's lame and blog about being productive. Get the fuck off the internet and create something cool!