Dec 10, 2021

Failure - Wild Type Droid

Failure - Wild Type Droid 

    Whoa. Where do I even begin here? I have to first brag and say I knew this was coming out before all of you because the drummer Kellii was also recording drums for Medicated Robots album "The Lostile" for me while he was recording this record. This of course being because I am awesome and also have really good taste in food. Once he was done working on that masterpiece with me, he found some time to go back to making this album. Ok, back to business. 

   I had to do what I always do with favorite bands of mine and digest the album several times over before saying anything about it. Like all of their previous records, it took a few listens to really start hearing the details emerge from the material and for me to fall in love with it. The magic of Failure is how confident each JUST obscure enough parts slides around the mix. At first, the drums stick out as being super full and snappy. Then it's the buzzy, dirty bass lines that seem to be the most pleasing. Then the swirling guitars and synths make a smile turn into an ear to ear grin.

   Tracks like "Half Moon" are just fucking perfect. To me, this sounds like a songwriter who loves Scott Walker a ton. You can tell the intention is simply to write a beautiful, emotionally honest song - but it more than likely just sounds sad to most ears. This my imaginary friends reading this is what I strive to do with my own music the most. Words simply cannot explain all emotions, when I believe music truly can. Hearing Greg Edwards sing so clear and confident on this track made me so happy on first listen that I didn't even realize my eyes were soaking wet. I've been obsessed with his song writing and voice for over 15 years now, and I feel like I've been watching my best friend make his magnum opus, which would be Half Moon.

    I honestly wonder if it's difficult for these guys to focus on simply writing good songs with all the talent and experience they have. With Ken Andrews being the production wizard that he is and Greg having such a wildly diverse musical palette to pick sounds from, it's amazing they can actually walk away from material not just quickly, but as beautifully as they do!

     Anyway, it's like 3am and I need to be unconscious.

 - Novak