Jun 19, 2017
Workday Review : Morpheus Descends, Slowdive & more
Morpheus Descends - "Chronicles of the Shadowed Ones" : One of the upsides (or downsides, depending on how you look at it) of the internet today is its ability to take albums that flew under the radar, and push them into mandatory listening status. This EP epitomizes that. The perfect blend of Immolation/Incantation styled death metal with just the right amount of slam and old-school heaviness. Had this not been an EP, or self released and distributed, this would be a staple NYDM album.
Slowdive - "Slowdive" : I'll just say it : this album lacks even half of the impact that "Souvlaki" had on me, and probably shoegaze as a whole. That's not to say it's a bad album. In typical Slowdive fashion, they have this ability to create lush atmospheres and layers without landing in the "wall of sound" territory that most shoegaze bands do. It's worth listening to for the song "Slomo" alone, and after 22 years is a strong follow-up to "Souvlaki"...but essential? Eh.
Imprecation - "Ceremony of the Nine Angels" : This is Texas's version of Blasphemy if Caller of Storms listened to nothing but death metal. This is absolutely essential black/death, with some heavy doom nods. Hard to believe this was only a demo as the production alone rivals most full lengths that were coming out in '92.
Cenotaph - "Gloomy Reflection of Our Hidden Sorrows" : This is pure U.S. and Scandinavian death metal worship. I don't think this band listened to anything but Sentenced and Autopsy, honestly. There's a gloomy atmosphere to the album without solely relying on doomy riffing, something most bands failed at. Aside from the corny territory this band stepped into almost immediately after this album, my only complaint is Cenotaph never knew when to end a song. 8 minutes is about 4 minutes too long, boss.