One of the only things I’m confident on in myself is my ability to communicate, but nothing will ever translate emotion as directly for me as music. Whether it’s a band that sounds of pure bliss and happiness or one that is the feeling of having your heart broken into a million unrepairable pieces - music always explains it better. I live for finding even one chord that explains something you’ve felt or in extremely rare moments - are currently feeling. I will forever be obsessed with trying to make music that does just that.
This song seems to explain where I’m at the best. Sounds catchy at first, seems like things are ok. Comes off light, happy, but it’s the change of pop to darker “pop” in the verses that really hit home. The descending notes highlight a darker, wider feeling of zoned out isolation you feel when no one is watching. Not “too” dark (hundreds of albums for “too dark” of feelings) but certainly not how you’re perceived. When I do actually power on my massive stereo these days, it’s usually just this song that gets played. Feels like I’m at home when it’s on rumbling the whole fucking house.
Anyway, good song. Check it out. So long!