May 2, 2016

The Hives!

The Hives
The first time I heard The Hives, their music eardrums ejaculated all over my eardrums. I was a freshmen in High School and one of my senior friends gave me a copy of Veni Vidi Vicious and I was hooked. This was the start of my annoying music snobbyness. I couldn't like anything "new" coming out. When I heard the name the Hives, I immediately wanted to hate it because I knew it was on the radio, but I couldn't! Super catchy songs with 3x the energy of any band I was into at the time.

I've never actually seen them live (which is beyond me) but I would imagine their shows are similar to a wild party mixed with lots of heavy petting. Any live video I've seen of them has been so impeccable tight, but physically all over the stage. Every show looks like it's their first show ever. It's outstanding to see a band do that every single night. 

I can also appreciate a band that has never swapped out members but kept the same name, while still putting out great music.I don't "look down" on bands that have changed lineups, but if I decide which was cooler, an all original member band wins any day.
