May 26, 2016

Illustrious Words Podcast Announcement!

The blog site people have grown to forget and completely ignore now has a podcast for people to do the same to! The idea itself was birthed by me, one of 3 original writers for this blog. I decided to keep the name of this blog not only because there's such an archive of music reviews, rants, and interviews on here that the name will reference back to, but because much like this blog, the collage of various personalities and writing styles makes for a more interesting platform.

 It's actually nowhere near as awkward as I thought it would be. The first entry was a concoction of random rambling and mapping out the blueprints of what could be a very cool, expansive creative outlet for my friends and I. I would really like the next contributor to be Woods, whose idea it was to originally start this blog up however many years ago!
