Mar 25, 2016

Current Obsession

Dylan Ettinger- New Age Outlaws
 I can't get enough of this album. For fans of early electronic ambient music, do not let the year this was released fool you like I did. I'm a snob when it comes to really checking out brand new bands. I really wish I wasn't such an asshole, but I am. I have this stupid thought process in the back of my judgmental mind that only someone in the 70's, using a monstrous modular synth rig can generate other worldly sequences and tones. This album was released 6 years ago. If you would have played this for me and told me it was from the 70's, I wouldn't know the difference. 
I can't encourage this man's material more. Turn off Netflix, cancel your plans with your friend (which were also probably to watch Netflix) and check out this album. 
