Feb 5, 2016

Workday review: Rollins Band

After sifting endlessly through the most mundane, idiotic, and downright insane patient emails at work, I decided I needed an outlet that I can utilize while on the clock. Walking my dog, taking a dump, and masturbating are all fun ideas, but not exactly major time killers...and probably only a little less interesting than this post is.  So in addition to the aforementioned activities, I'll be talking about and reviewing whatever records I'm listening to throughout the workday - be it good, bad, or completely embarrassing.  Enjoy, or don't.

Rollins Band :  I'm admittedly not the hugest fan of this band, and Rollins is my least favorite Black Flag singer.  But all that aside, Hank managed to put out three of the most intense, and aggressive records of his life with the Rollins Band.  "Life Time", "Hard Volume", and "The End of Silence" are absolutely essential listening.  Unhinged and insane punk with a bit of a bluesy influence, something that would become more definitive on the bands later albums.  Attached below are the first three records from Rollins and crew. "Gun in Mouth Blues" still gives me goosebumps.

Rollins Band : Life Time

Rollins Band : Hard Volume

Rollins Band : The End of Silence