Jun 23, 2014

Local Heroes: Joe Reed

Joe Reed

So anyone that knows Joe probably thinks of him as a polite, smart, aggressive lead singer in several local bands. Within my group of friends, we all know him as an awkward, hairy little dude. He can't go five seconds without fixing his shirt, pacing back and forth, and smoking everyone's cigarette butts. Although you give this kid a microphone and he turns into hands down one of the best front men you'll ever see in Cleveland. His tiny little body makes more of loud rumble than half the people twice his size. 

It really shows how much he looks up to great punk front men like Iggy, Rollins, and his other idols because this dude does not fuck around on stage. If I only knew Joe from seeing him live, I would not fuck with him. Seconds after he's off stage though he's asking everyone how it was while fixing his shirt, but I assure you when he's on stage he is a bad ass. 

I loved playing in bands with Joe and I'm always looking forward to what he's working on. He can make Maroon 5 sound heavy. Keep up the good work my man! 
