Jun 4, 2014

Local Heroes: Nicky P

Nicky P! 
Meet one of the nicest and most dedicated people in the Cleveland music scene! Regardless of the band or weather, Nick has been to more shows than most close friends have. I'll never forget seeing a frozen, tired Nick showing up to a Lucy show a few years back with what looked like frost bite on his face from riding his BIKE in the unbearable snow just to see our 40 minute set. I had a lot of friends not show up that night who had cars and this dude rode his bike! 

It's hard to stay focused on projects in Cleveland because regardless of your personal goals regarding fans or money, you always want people to give your album an honest listen and you always want people at your shows. This dude covers all those areas. Now to be honest, I've never been the biggest fan of the bands he's played in, but he is definitely a hell of a fucking singer! He puts more talent, effort, and time into projects than half the people in this city. He's a trusted ear when I'm working on recordings because he actually has the balls to tell me something I'm doing sucks, which is harder to come by than you'd think. 

Ok, enough ass kissing.. 
