Mar 27, 2014


I haven't posted in a while on here so I'm going to type some sentences about some things. Here are two things I like that you should, too. 
(Click photo for a link to download the album)
 Magna Carta Cartel- Goodmorning Restrained 
This is my current obsession and biggest current inspiration. I could go off on a very lengthy tangent about how amazing this album is, but I'd rather you just listen to it yourself.. which I know no one reading this will do. The main brain behind this band is the same brains behind Ghost. To be honest, that's the main reason I checked the band out to begin with, but this bands' music is so fucking amazing that I don't care who is or isn't in it because it truly stands on it's own as a great album start to finish.

The video below shows them playing in a room with dim lighting that almost looks like my studio. Lighting in a room for me always plays a huge role. I don't want to feel like I'm playing music inside K-Mart with all the obnoxious florescent lighting. I wish I was there for what looks like a rehearsal.

Neil Young- On the Beach 

A great no bullshit album. All the songs are so well written that it wouldn't matter how well the album was even produced. The cover says it all to me. 
