I bought this CD about three weeks ago and it hasn't left my car stereo since. For anyone that knows what it's like driving with me, you know I usually switch from iPod, to my phone, and sometimes CD's. The only time I throw a CD in is if I'm in love with an album at the time. I'm still waiting for the day to come where I'm sick and tired of hearing it, but it doesn't seem like it's coming any time soon at this rate.
For those of you who actually read this blog and check out the things I post about being in love with, there's a bit of history behind this album. The collaborations, stories, and background behind ohGr are almost endless. With all of this starting all the way back to 1982 with Skinny Puppy and branching out into several collaborations and side projects for the next few decades including Throbbing Gristle members, Ministry, ect.. This album sounds like it's from a completely different planet than all the 3,493 projects before this. It's VERY poppy and dare I say upbeat? It's certainly not a radio pop record, but it will certainly catch those used to hearing the grinding roar of Skinny Puppy off guard.
This was an album Woods turned me onto back in.. 2007ish? He told me I'd like them and at the time was dying to hear something new. I bought the CD for about $14 at My Mind's Eye without hearing even a sample of what they sounded like and I absolutely loved it. They were in my car (like the CD I just told you about above) for weeks upon weeks without ever changing to anything else. It was everything I loved. It was technical, catchy, well written and produced. It was weird enough to be able to hear something new every time yet catchy enough that each listen felt fresh and new.
It's a shame that the drummer died before this band could really expand. They did however release an album after his death with some recordings the drummer had done prior to his death. The album was retarded and I don't think you should even bother listening to it. This is definitely a band that has a magical chemistry live. It wasn't pulled off quite as sharp trying to add a live sound to previously recorded material.