Apr 1, 2012

Worthless Post

Regardless of how long this nerdy and vulgar post is, no amount of "blogging" will explain or relieve the frustration and simple confusion on the subject of music and musicians being "worthless" or "less than" in this world. 

Before I go off, my parents are the definition of understanding and supportive parents. My dad was a musician and my mom loves seeing how driven I am with anything at all. In fact, everyone in my life is. 90% of my friends are musicians and even down to cousins, my family supports it.

This is the video that made me go off on this rant:
Where do I begin? First off.. what is she contributing as a mother to her childs life, other than frustrating him in an already frustrating and disheartening life? What the fuck does SHE do where she can come home and belittle her child for doing something creative and inspiring? There is no profession or salary that entitles you to belittle another human being, let alone your own child. You think because you donated your 84 cents to a child cancer fund in line at McDonalds that you're bettering the world, so now you can beat your wife, belittle your child, and do whatever you want now? You think you deserve a medal because you threw your diet Pepsi in the blue bin in Wal-Mart while you're walking to your Hummer? Dorks!

Do you know how many times I've had someone say that music is a dead end path? I see the glazed over look in most peoples' eyes when I say I'm a musician or that I run my own recording studio. I get it. There's no 401k or retirement plan in this shit. Or all the countless people that are too afraid to go down it as far as I am so they go to school to become a lawyer or to own their own business. What the fuck is THAT doing for the world? Is Cleveland "on the map" now that your business has some flashy numbers and your car can go faster than mine? Is that what we should be contributing to this world? Larger bank accounts and not larger imaginations? Well then shit, count me the fuck out.

I believe everyone should do what feels right for them, as cliche as that sounds. You don't have to be a musician for me to think you're kicking ass in life. If you love your office job and being a family man, by all means man, own it! Be inspired and contribute to something or someone that feels pertinent to your life. My rage comes from people who don't contribute anything to their lives or the world around them, so they belittle someone when a friend or family member of theirs goes down a path they personally wouldn't go down.

Not to mention, look at the facts of how music started a revolution in the 60s. An era his mother probably lived in herself. Something as ugly and awful as war was changed and saved by a collection of songs. Music helped with that! Lyrics and songs that took people out of the daily grind and helped literally the entire world. That revolution is growing by each year.

Also, look outside the US at how music brings people together. Look at all the tribes in Africa who join together in song with spiritual rituals. Do you think those people are doing it to look cool? Do you think parading around with face paint with their balls hanging out, looking like fucking crack heads gives them any sort of stock options? No.. well, maybe. I don't really know how that stuff works. Countries all over the world use music to bring people, ideas, and races together. It's not just "rocking out" in America.

I know i'm not the only one with this, but music has absolutely saved my life. If I didn't start playing drums back when i was the pimply nerd getting shoved around in my NOFX t-shirt, I would have been dead before high school. Sounds morbid but it's true. Hearing music back then was the light that christians describe as God. Sorry mom, but Jesus doesn't do it for me. Music does. And at first it was just an escape. Something I did alone before friends could play. Then it turned into "hey man, i've got a guitar at my house you can play.. let's jam!" and then everyone wants to get involved. Now instead of partying, we're at my studio making music all night!

Nowadays, I run my own recording studio. I watch guys come in stressed out from life's routine and see their faces light up with inspiration as their own music gets played back through my monitors. I've helped bands with little to no money put out music that they've used as an escape, of ALL genres. Do you realize how amazing that makes me feel that I've made them feel that way? I've inspired people of all ages and genres to put something out they believed was worth hearing. And with recording studios being such a blatant rip off, how are these guys supposed to get their music out there? How can a kid in Washington get ahold of an inspiring bands full length? "Welp, sorry.. you can't until we save up 10 grand" is not an option.That's just another example of how music can turn someone's life around.

Now not only does their music on that record inspire other people, but those guys leave excited as hell about what they've accomplished. Which in return affects their daily lives. Better moods! Now tell me, does this kids mom feel that way when she walks out of her office after a long day of her over weight boss breathing down her neck? No. Which is probably why she takes it out on her kid.

Now.. granted there are an abundance of kids out there who may have a talent but no drive to do anything with it. I'm not saying "dude man, let's get high and play guitar man. my moms yellin n' shit." - but the kid in this video wasn't posting a cover of his favorite Seether song (and thank fucking god for that!) He was posting a detailed, educated review about an amp he had. He was inspired about a sound he had created and he was trying (and clearly it worked) to inspire someone else in the process.

Anyone who calls music "immature" is a fucking clown. Playing shows and watching people be moved. Physically or mentally is a feeling that no business plan would ever make me feel.

Ultimately: In a world full of complete shit - it's amazing to help people. Any way you can. Whether they drop $5 on the ground and you hand it back to them, or you help a band put out a record that moved at very, very least the members in the band. If you can't accept that, I couldn't care any less. I've never felt a connection to the blandness of society or culture anyways.

- Novak