From a musician already building a following around being an "outcast", this album took it into an entirely different atmosphere. After up and leaving America to move to west berlin to write his "new musical language"- you can hear what I feel is music and emotions that truly stood as his own. New is only new until it's old. Same reason why the same bullshit that's been out for 10 years isn't "alternative music." This is why I respect bowie so much. Staying unique. Granted Brian Eno was a huge helping hand in the second half of the album, the sounds and style they land on is simply amazing.
Tracks like "Subterraneans" give me visions of places no music has ever or will ever give me. That track could easily fool you as something credible today. 1977! When most bands were out on tour with rock n roll - consisting of uppers, hookers, and loud guitars.. david bowie couldn't have been doing more of the opposite.
I can't help but get an image of what must have been going through his head during the writing process. From the interviews i had seen of him during this era, he wanted to escape the coke capital of the world, the constant fame and entourage built around his Ziggy fame, his own drug habits and ways - and wanted to disappear. for the people in his daily life to be unable to point him out as anything other than a local. To walk to the store and shop in almost complete secrecy. And in doing so, i hear a sound where he wrote in that same mindset. Writing for no one. Impressing everyone. A decision i couldn't see going over well with record labels. getting popular with a specific image and sound and doing a 180 just to satisfy the desire to get the sounds out of your head? Must have been an extremely therapeutic process. Certainly bringing his most inventive sounds to light.
Being yourself musical. Something not only popular musicians and bands shutter at attempting, but people in general. Yeah i know. your new girlfriend REALLY likes your new tattoos, shitty attitude, and beard. I know the dorks at record labels LOVE your postal service sounding band.. but just be yourself. Scary thought when you have nothing to offer, isn't it? Who cares if it's weird, who cares if the music you're writing doesn't catch the fancy of some cock slurping moron, who only works with bank accounts and radio stations. Write music you would find interesting if you stumbled upon it at a record store. Be a person you'd be interested in meeting yourself.
I feel like this veered away from having anything to do with music. This album is some powerful stuff to me. Definitely not an album i'd play in my car to show someone unfamiliar to it. If you haven't heard it i suggest you buy the record, download it.. or however you listen to music. lay in bed with headphones and listen to it. turn off your phone, close your blinds, log out of facebook and just fucking listen.