Mar 1, 2011

PJ Wifey

Staying in the vein of death metal, facial hair, and full sleeves... PJ Harvey! Wait..

I realize this is a 180 from the stuff posted on here and that 99% of the people that go to this blog have no interest, but I don't like or respect any of you anyway. This record was so new and exciting for me that it just about broke my dick right off. Allow me to be a dork for a minute or 20 here..

A friend of mine in LA tried to get me into PJ. She told me NOT to start with this album. That this album she purposefully played instruments she knew close to nothing about. That it was almost unlistenable and not a "good" representation of her as a musician. It was of course the first record of hers I got my ears into. As a musician myself, I know how inspiring it is getting a new instrument, especially an instrument you can't play yet. So hearing her explore the instruments and her own creativity gave me goosebumps on every single track. Lyrically, she left the canvas pretty open for you to carve your own story.


Yeah I know, you didn't watch that. You have better things to do. Lady Gaga just barfed up some more shit for you to pop pills and dance to. But hey, if you get a mintute after she dumps in your ears and want to hear something original and creative, why don't you give this record a listen? What's the worst thing that can happen?
